Peace on Your Journey

This Will Bring You Peace (Surrender to the Universe)

Kishar Spiritual (with John Lawyer)

Surrender is the most powerful force in the universe and we have the power to let go any time we simply make the choice to do so. This episode is going to detail how we can let go and what it means for our spiritual growth allowing you to bring yourself peace.


I discuss my own journey of deep healing and spiritual awakening. You'll learn how releasing control, forgiving yourself and others, and letting go of past traumas can lead to a more fulfilling and peaceful life. 


We provide actionable steps to help you start your own journey of surrender, including practical exercises and reflections that can guide you towards inner peace. 


Whether you're struggling with personal issues, seeking spiritual growth, or simply looking for ways to improve your quality of life, this episode offers valuable insights and techniques.


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#SpiritualJourney #LettingGo #Surrender #Peace #Healing #Forgiveness #SpiritualAwakening #InnerPeace

I'm going to tell you how completely letting go changed my whole life. And I'm going to show you the same things that you can do to surrender to the universe and change your life. I spent 15 years on and off at war and the deserts of Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan. And then I finally found my way back home and I was completely broken. I knew I needed to heal. At the time, I was agnostic, I believed in the idea of something, but I didn't really know what that was. I really had no idea. And I definitely wasn't on some kind of like, overt spiritual path. I was on a path even if I didn't know it, but at the time I couldn't see it. So after those 15 years, I spent the next four years completely lost. I had no identity. I had no idea who I was. I saw this world in a bleak gray. I couldn't see in color. Everything was just kind of in slow motion. one day I had this realization that I had to stop caring so much. I had to completely not care what happened tomorrow and forget about what happened yesterday and the day before. I was so invested in it, I became detached from the future. And I released my past. It wasn't complete. It wasn't something that I was able to completely do. But it was this huge start down this path. Even at this point, I still didn't realize that I was on a spiritual journey. But this act of complete surrender was a pivotal point in my life, maybe the pivotal point in my life. So follow with me here and don't get me wrong, there were times that I still got too invested in things, too attached to things, and would go back to my old ways, but I tended to be more aware, and I would realize that I was holding onto things too tightly, and I just walked myself through the process of letting go again. And it was amazing how things in my life improved. I was more successful in my relationships with people. I was more financially successful, and everything was just better. I could finally take a deep breath. I could sleep at night. I had this peace of mind, and it's because I had thrown myself at the mercy of the universe, and the universe turned around and absolutely took care of me. And so I lived better than I had ever lived before, because I stopped caring so much, I surrendered. This is the way of the universe. It will take care of you if you take one thing away from this episode. I think that might be it, but we're going to go even deeper than that and learn how to harness this process into meaningful spiritual growth that you can sustain, and you can keep moving forward. And then after a while of doing this, I forgot to keep letting go. And about three years had passed. And remember that I hadn't seen this thing as a spiritual event. I just thought it was this solid idea that was a great way to live, And as time went on, my commitment lessened and so did my awareness of remembering to let things go. I started to care more about things. started to be more attached to things again. I stopped letting go and my surrender wasn't very strong and I started to fight the universe again. My quality of life began to decrease and then out of nowhere, I had this sudden moment of pure understanding. It was clarity of the universe. Some may call it a spiritual awakening. Everything just made sense to me. I don't think I'd have gotten to this point if I hadn't had that moment of complete surrender. And I think if you're on a spiritual path right now and you're watching this video, remember that that may be the act of surrender, and letting go takes you down that spiritual path. Further, you know, if you want to get further down that path, that deep act of letting go changed my perspective and it shifted how I saw the universe. It it changed for sure, or how I saw myself. So now I was on this conscious, intentional spiritual journey. Now I'd seen the universe like I've seen. I saw myself like my original deep self. And I realized the process of surrender and letting go is this ongoing thing. And it was something that I rededicated myself to completely. So what wrapped up in surrendering to the universe? It's accepting that you don't have to, be in control. You can just let it be. It's forgiveness of yourself, forgiveness of others. And you come to understand forgiveness isn't something you simply declare. And it happens. It's an act, yes, but then you have to follow up with it and make sure that this takes hold. Then you loop back around to make sure you've actually let go and you fully forgiven. There's also letting go of judgment when you stop judging yourself and others, amazing things happen to you. It frees so much space and energy up for these other things that you want to do, and you need to do. You're going to feel this sense of peace and calm as you as you let go. And once you've forgiven and you let go of judgment, there's still some things you've got to do. Look at what things from the past you're holding on to. This isn't about fond memories or sad memories that come up from time to time. It's deeper than that. These are the things that consume your thoughts, that pull you backwards into the past. They may even define who you think you are, or puts you between these rails that don't allow you to move freely one way or the other. You're in this really tight boundary that you didn't necessarily set for yourself. It's set by these these things that you're attached to. And for many it can be trauma or regret, deep sadness. It might be a combination of all these things. Our past will define us if we let it. So when you surrender, you have to let go completely of this weight that you're holding and maybe you're asking, so what should I do? It's probably hard to surrender or completely let go if you don't know what you're letting go of. So the first step is to figure this out. Sit down, relax a little bit. Make sure you're in a good headspace and list out some things that you can forgive yourself for. This is going to be different from person to person, but if you reflect on it, it's going to come to you. It could even be maybe regret that you have with a friend. It could be a decision that led to a major financial hardship. You might have done something that ended up in hardship for yourself or even trauma. And then the next step is to look at after you've forgiven yourself for things, look at who you can forgive for things. Who are you holding feelings against? Are there people who occupy real estate in your head? It's probably not impacting these people, but it's definitely impacting you. And just because you forgive doesn't mean that you're inviting them back into your life. That's really up to you either way. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't. But this forgiveness is about you letting go of what you're carrying with you in regards to that person. Think about how much lighter you'll feel. Now you do the same thing you did for forgiveness. But this time it will be about judgment of yourself, judgment of others. List out the most common times and for what things you're most judgmental about. Once you wrap up your exploration of your judgments, move on to your past. What in your past are you still holding onto? What are you still attached to? What's pulling you backwards? There's always stuff in people's lives that's pulling them in the wrong direction. So think about what that is. Let me know in the comments what you're still attached to. What occupies space in your mind? What are these things that you can't let go of? It might help others in their path to letting go. They might see something that you wrote in the comments and think, oh wow, I'm doing that too. It's something that I need to work on, so let's help each other out. So now that you know your attachments, how do you move beyond them? You've written out and recorded all this stuff that's weighing you down and that by itself is a huge accomplishment. So please acknowledge yourself for that. We need to acknowledge when we make progress. And so now you want to distance yourself from these things. And start to let go. You need to have a system in place. So consider journaling about each of these one at a time. For each one, ask the question, how does this serve me? Your answer is often going to be that it doesn't serve you. Write about that and explore how each attachment is impacting your life. What negative things happen as a result of this thing that you're attached to? How is it bringing you down? How is it creating noise that you can't hear through, or creating a fogginess that you can't see through? How is it dulling your senses? And journaling isn't for everyone, and it might not work for you. So instead, you might find someone that you can discuss this with. The key is to find an outlet, and if neither one of those things work, there's other options. Go for a walk on a nature trail and as you're walking, discuss this stuff with yourself and work through it. You can reflect or meditate with it to work through it. Really, there's all kinds of spiritual practices or modalities out there that might work for you, but find what works and work through it and don't focus on the negative as you're doing all this. As you go through this process, you're going to drag up some heavy stuff. It's inevitable, but don't get bogged down in this seriousness and the sadness of it all. Maintain some lightness and positivity as you work through these processes of letting go and understanding, and know that by doing this, you're bringing yourself into the light. You're shedding all this weight you've been carrying and affirmed to yourself that that's what's happening. Literally, tell yourself out loud that this is helping you move to an amazing place. Sometimes saying things out loud has has great power. We talk about that on this channel quite a bit and don't focus too much on the future. As you free yourself here, you may be tempted to focus on the future. It's perfectly okay to have goals, to be moving in a certain direction that feels right to you, but don't become too invested in a destination. Learn to love the journey along the way. Being too attached to the future can oftentimes be as bad or even worse as being attached to the past. It can lead to expectations and anxiety. You might feel stress about what may or may not be, but that's the thing about the future. We never know when it's going to be. We never know what's going to happen. So if we get too invested in it, if we picture it as something too solid, it's probably never going to look exactly like we hoped it would look. So live your best reality every single day now, today, in this moment and it will create an amazing perspective for you. And some may think that surrender is ceding control to someone else or to something else, but it's not complete. Surrender is such a powerful act because it's empowering you when you completely let go. You're now in full control of yourself. For the first time ever, and you'll do it without even trying hard. You've been holding tightly on to this mirage, this thing that's not real. It's an idea. So once you surrender, you'll see a whole new world in front of you. One of the things that might help you on your path to surrender is meditation. Check out the video on your screen for a discussion on self-discovery meditation. Until next time, I wish you peace on your journey.

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