Peace on Your Journey

Spiritual Tools for a Chaotic World

Kishar Spiritual (with John Lawyer)

Discover how to find peace in a chaotic world with powerful spiritual tools and mindfulness techniques. Learn to transform chaos into calm and achieve mind-body-soul alignment.


In this episode, we get into the heart of chaos that permeates modern life and offer practical and spiritual strategies to overcome it. 


You'll learn about the importance of mindfulness, gratitude practices and journaling to create inner peace. Join us as we explore how to become the eye of the hurricane, maintaining calm and serenity despite the external noise. 


Hear my personal journey from the chaos of combat zones to finding universal understanding and clarity. By incorporating these spiritual tools, you too can navigate life's challenges with a renewed spirit and a peaceful mind.


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in the middle of your busy life. With chaos swirling all around you. Have you ever wondered if true peace is possible? Imagine a life where you can remain calm and centered regardless of what happens around you. Today we're going to look at how you will make this transition. It's mindful and spiritual, and that you'll use this approach as you navigate your journey. If you can harness transmuting chaos to peace, you'll find yourself as a completely renewed spirit. First, you have to understand the chaos. You have a lot going on in your life. Relationships, work, financial stuff, just general adulting. Commitments of all kinds. Stuff that's on your mind. You probably feel that you don't have enough time or energy to get through all of it, or to cover all of it. You probably feel like you need more. You need more money. More time. More of a lot of things. This creates chaos in and around you. It's noise that you don't just hear, but you feel it. You hear it and you see it. It's all of your senses together. It shows up in your environment, the spaces around you, your home, your car, your workplace. You might even see it or sense it as you move around your city or town in the comments right now. Tell me what chaos is to you. How does it show up in your life? What is this to me? If you watch this channel and know my story, you know that I've been lost. Completely lost. I was at war in combat zones for years, and I had trauma. And I had to heal after it. But through it all, I found burst in my life where I channeled chaos into calm. I think these times where I didn't even know that I was being spiritual, they really helped me eventually find this universal understanding and clarity. It's why I think that this video is so important to share with you today, because I wouldn't be here if I hadn't learned this critical spiritual lesson. Chaos blocks you when you're in a state of chaos. It's going to control you. You're going to have a hard time seeing the truth of things. you won't be able to hear that universal intuitive self that can help guide you and in your relationships. This chaos won't let you truly see the other person. Instead, you're just going to see your own reflection a lot of times, or echoes of this chaotic noise that you're unable to escape from. You're not going to be able to process your thoughts, feelings, and emotions as they come to you. So instead of processing them, these things are going to control you. And then this just adds to the noise and chaos inside of you. this unevenness in your life will also stop you from being physically well. You're going to be separated from the health and wellness of eating the best way for you. Something as simple as moving and exercising is going to seem like this bridge that's constantly too far, that you can't get over. Awareness is the first step. Now that you know you're in a state of chaos. Maintain this awareness. Make the decision to know what's happening to you and then you decide that you want to change. Shed any resistance that you have to change. Don't let the comfort of the chaos keep you in a prison. And make no mistake, we definitely sometimes get comforted by the chaos because we're used to it. And when we're used to it, then we crave it. We even need it. So move forward with this awareness and be intentional about where you're going now. You know that you're going to channel the chaos and turn it into peace and calm. So be the eye and the hurricane. It's the calm in the storm. Make this an affirmation. Actually, speak it out loud to yourself. Maybe say it to yourself in a mirror. Harmony is immediately available to you. Tell yourself right now that life is a series of choices, and then tell yourself that you've been choosing chaos. Like, acknowledge that to yourself and then accept it. There's great power in acceptance. And now that you're going to turn your gaze to peace, you have to decide to choose harmony in your life. You're aware of the chaos, and you're now channeling this chaos into harmony. Decide to fill yourself with loving kindness. You're going to be channeling chaos and changing it into loving kindness for yourself and for others. So visualize yourself lifting up the whole world around you. The universe is a brighter place because of this and know that you're stardust. Know that you have traveled billions of miles and millions of years. How could ending up here in this place, in yourself, be anything short of this universal harmony? As you see, this connection to the universe and nature and everything around you, you're going to begin to see the futility of living in chaos. The choice of living in chaos isn't going to make sense to you anymore, because peace and calm simply becomes the way. Now that you're walking this new path, you've decided to integrate new habits and routines into your daily life. Start with gratitude. Practice each day. Carve out just five easy minutes and tell yourself what you're grateful for. What do you have in your life that's amazing that you love? It could be something as simple as having access to clean water. It can be the love of your dog, a loving relationship, a cozy corner of your home. There's all kinds of things that we overlook when it comes to gratitude. It's not getting what you want. It's wanting what you've already got. And as you come to have gratitude and appreciation for these things already in your life, then suddenly the universe is going to send you more of these other things that you've asked for or that you need. They'll come to you. Gratitude starts to snowball your reality in amazing ways, completely unexpected. When you're grounded, chaos can't have dominion over you. Gratitude practices are these spiritual rituals that you can do, but there's also things that you can do in your daily life for your body and your mind. Being grounded means that you're organized in the spaces around you. You have things in order in your home, around you, eating healthy and the best way that works for you. Moving your body each day. Some kind of exercise, even if it's just walking. Sleeping so that you have time to recharge yourself. This is when you're plugged in directly into the universe when you're sleeping at night. Then there are these things that cross over between all aspects of our life. With this new awareness of chaos and the choices you have to move beyond it. You can start a mindfulness practice that can further slow everything down. Mindfulness meditation. It's not too hard. In its base form, it's simply quieting your mind and paying attention to your senses of the things that you hear and see and feel around you. You're suddenly going to notice all these new things that you never knew about. It's going to open you up and put you in this receive mode to this universal intuition that we were talking about earlier. If you find yourself having a hard time starting mindfulness practice, definitely download something like Insight Timer and use a guided meditation to start when you block off dedicated time for this mindfulness and you stick with it for for a while, for a few times, you'll see some amazing results. You're going to see changes in yourself. The best thing about mindfulness meditation is that you start to see yourself using it, even after your intentional sessions. You'll simply see the world around you and the universe around you in this richer, deeper color. As you start to understand chaos and move beyond it. How do you see your plan to move towards peace progressing? Let me know in the comments how you see yourself moving ahead with this. And remember that with mindfulness, it's all about receiving these things in and around you. Take them as they come. Process or acknowledge them, and then let them pass by. This mindful moment is the tip of the universe. As you become more mindful and leave chaos behind, and you follow these steps, you're going to achieve alignment of your mind, body, and soul. It would be nice if I could tell you that spirituality is becoming fully awakened and enlightened. Where you float away and you melt into the heavens or merge with the divine. And this is possible, in fact, is part of what spirituality is. But it doesn't mean that you stop being human, or that you'll always be in that place of pure enlightenment. For some of you, maybe that will happen. Literally anything is possible. But for most of us, we're going to be moving in this shared reality together. As we have the spiritual experience. We're going to be having this human experience as well. That's why lining up our mind, body and soul is so important. That's what keeps the harmony going. It makes us whole as it connects us with the universal oneness of everything. Give journaling a shot. It's one ritual or daily routine that brings alignment of mind, body, and soul into this one place. Are you connected with your divine inner self? That's the soul. Are you grounded in your physical well-being? That's the body. Are you processing your thoughts and feelings as they show up in a healthy way? That's the mind. And journaling about these three aspects of your life every single day can change you in these huge ways and gives you a conduit to tell yourself truths, truths that help you be attachment free. As you're looking into transforming chaos into peace, consider the act of surrendering to the universe. We have a great video on this, and it's here on the screen to help you out. Until next time, I wish you peace on your journey.

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