Peace on Your Journey

Your Spiritual Path (The Power of Choices)

March 04, 2024 Kishar Spiritual (with John Lawyer)

Discover the transformative power of choices on your spiritual path. Learn how every decision shapes your journey towards enlightenment and personal growth in "Your Spiritual Path (The Power of Choices)"


This episode of our Journey series explores the concept of choice - not just in the physical sense, but how it impacts our spiritual journey and personal development. 


We discuss the significance of choices made in youth, the repercussions of those choices, and how they guide us towards our spiritual awakening. 


Through personal anecdotes and reflections, we highlight the importance of aligning choices with one's spiritual beliefs and values, embracing change, and the power of acceptance and forgiveness. 


Whether you're seeking guidance on navigating life's choices or looking to deepen your spiritual connection, this video offers valuable insights and inspiration.


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#SpiritualJourney #Choices #PersonalGrowth #SpiritualPath #Decisions

Life is a series of choices. Not making a choice is actually a choice in and of itself. Letting someone else make choices for you is also a choice. And if you believe that the way that you're living right now, your current way of life is the only way that you can live. That's a choice. You're making a choice by saying, this is the only way that I can live. And we make choices as children. Like when I was a child, I watched Lawrence of Arabia and wanted to go to the Middle East in the desert and read Tom Clancy and wanted to be like Jack Ryan. And we make these choices as kids, as children that shape our future and what happens to us shapes where we go. And, you know, I got to go do those things. I got to go be a soldier and do intelligence and go to the Middle East. And I was at war. And I think it's something we have to think about when we make these choices, because sometimes it's a be careful what you wish for situation. if you look at some of my past video and I talk about my time at war and and how it was difficult and how I've kind of moved through it and beyond it. But think about those choices that you make from your youth all the way through where you're at right now. It's these very powerful things, choices and that leads me to talking about sometimes there's the wrong kind of acceptance in the spiritual community, in spiritual circles, self-help, self-improvement, personal development, all that we talk about acceptance is this really powerful, really important thing. And acceptance is beautiful. When you accept things, then you let things go and you can move forward. But when it comes to thinking about the choices that you make. Acceptance. Sometimes you can have this wrong kind of acceptance. Sometimes you just accept where you're at thinking, I can't do any better. I can't make any better choices. I can't go do this thing I want to do. I'll never be able to do that other thing that I thought I wanted to do. And so you kind of end up in this wrong kind of acceptance where you can't get out of where you're at. It's like you think that's the only place that you'll ever be. And I just want to tell you here today that if you think that I would feel confident saying you're wrong, you can change and you do have a choice. I want you to feel empowered in yourself that I have the power of choice. And I'll say that again. You have the power of choice, and you should say that to yourself. And we have choices in our relationships. We choose how we approach others and how we receive others around us. we choose who we spend our time with. And when we make those choices about who we surround ourselves with, when we make those choices about how we interact with them and how we allow them to interact with us, those are powerful choices because that those people that we spend the most time with are going to have a huge impact on our day to day reality on who we are and who we become and what we do. I always want people to think very intentionally in a way where, you know, who am I going to be around and how is that going to shape my life? If you appreciate what we're talking about here today, Please subscribe by hitting the watermark in the lower right hand corner. And if you think this video might help others, please go ahead and share it out with your friends or family if you think they could benefit from it. So we're talking about the power of choices and the power is yours. Like you have the power and the choices are this great, powerful thing. I joined the Army right out of high school, and that was a powerful choice. I decided that college wasn't for me. I knew that if I went to college would probably be a waste of my time and other people's money. And so I just joined the Army and that was a powerful choice. And then when I got in the Army, a lot of my choices were made for me because I was in this big giant machine that tells you what to do. I definitely made some choices and decided to do the right thing by myself in the military in my career. And I worked really hard and I put my best foot forward. But a lot of my choices were made for me. And I realized as I was about a year out from getting out of the Army, I realized that I had a big choice to make about what I was going to do with the rest of my life. Was I going to get a completely different career? Was I going to go to Washington, D.C. and work in a cubicle in the intelligence community and fight traffic twice a day in Washington, D.C.? Traffic? Or was I going to, you know, go and go to Iraq as a civilian and do the same thing I've been doing as a soldier's do as a civilian, had all these choices. And it was a very kind of overwhelming thing. I was like, man, I like no one's going to make this decision for me. This is me. And that's what you got to realize about yourself. You're always that person walking around that has power. You're always that person walking around that can instantly change your life. You can say, I'm going to go do this or I'm going to go do that. I'm going to pursue this. I'm going to figure this out and go make this happen. There's all these choices and I talk about on this channel sometimes there's all these things that we can do. You know, we're humans were very resilient. We were very creative. There's almost anything that we can do. Ask yourself, were you thinking about the choices that you make? What will you do? It's not what I can do, but what will you do? And ask yourself that question. Decide where you want to go. Decide if you're happy, where you're at, and think about all these choices that you're making. And I would say seize that power. You know, use the power available to you because you're going to then create your own reality. You create and control all this reality that you walk through every day, every single moment of your life is in your control. It's your reality. You're making it up as you go and you choose the path that you're going to go down. And this is not about anything about, sometimes. Yes, you're going to end up in situations where you might be a victim of something. And I'm not trying to discount that people are victims of something. But in general, as you're moving through the world, you have the choice, you have the power. And so take that power and use it. Create your own reality. Go out there and write your story. Go out there and don't live anybody else's story. Don't live any story that someone told you that you had to live, whether it's your parents or your your coworkers or your friends, anybody else, go live your story. Go write your story. And choices are these things that are these key points and this whole thing about cause and effect. Think about the butterfly effect where if a butterfly flaps its wings in China, then it adds to a hurricane. in the Atlantic Ocean, thousands of miles away. we have actually a pretty good video on cause and effect and the butterfly effect. And if you click the link in the upper right hand corner of this video, you'll be able to get a link to that. But all these choices that you make are these decision points in your life. And there's all these forks in the road that you can take. You can take this path that's kind of laid out for you. You can take this path that others are walking. Maybe it's kind of a worn path and it looks like I could do that. You could go do that. You could take the less worn path, the kind of adventurous path. There's always different ways that you can figure out where do I want to go and make that choice about those forks in the road along the way and make it your path. You can you can forge your own path. what we value is a choice your beliefs and your values. They don't they don't really mean much if you aren't choosing to align with them. So what are your values and beliefs? And if you say so, you write them down. If you're all your values and your beliefs down, would you be living them every single day? Are you holding yourself accountable to live how you believe that you should be living? And I don't mean that in a religious perspective, or even necessarily a spiritual perspective, but in your practical perspective, you know, it doesn't have to be any type of this over ethical thing. That's not what I'm getting at here. What I'm trying to say is, are you living those core things that you find most important to you? And that's going to differ from person to person? And again, don't let anybody else tell you what those things should be. So what are you choosing? Are you choosing love? Are you choosing kindness? Think about the values that are most important to you. Maybe it's Vince, maybe it's adventure. Maybe it's seeing the world. Maybe it's helping others. I don't know. But you know. And if you don't know, I bet if you sat down and you just reflected on it for a little bit, you would understand what those are for you. And if you don't know, definitely take time for yourself to go figure that out, because that's going to help you make better choices in your life. It's going to help you live the life that you were meant to live. You might see spirituality as this abstract thing, but spirituality comes down to choices. It's choosing to connect with yourself or the divine. Some people might call it God or the universe or nature, but it's your choice. If you want to choose to find that connection with your inner self or God or the divine, whatever you want to call it, those are choices. those choices affect what your spiritual self, your spiritual being is going to kind of look like to you. And what it looks like to me is going to be probably very different. My life is going to be easier. It's going to be more peaceful, it's going to be more calm. And so what does that alignment of mind, body and soul look like? We have a video on it. I think you should check it out. If you're interested in making better choices. the choices we make are going to impact whether or not we are living that aligned life and lifestyle and and taking care of our body is part of that. There's choices that we make. Are we sleeping right? Are we eating right? Are we doing the things that we need to do to be centered and grounded? That gives us more space and time to walk The spiritual path, to be there for ourself, have that self-love and that self-care so that we can have that time and space to explore our spiritual path. And as you're making choices, one of the things you have to think about is whether we choose to accept change is this huge choice. I don't really believe in absolutes, but I do believe that change may be the only universal absolute. There's this motion and rhythm to the universe. Life is always changing. We're changing. The people around us are changing the world around us, and nature is changing. And so you have to make that choice. On whether you're going to accept change in your life. You have to make the choice on how you're going to move within that change. If we stay still and expect everything to just kind of work out, that doesn't usually happen, right? If we just say I'm going to stand here and stand still and just do the status quo and hope everything works out, that doesn't usually work out. So how do we change with the universe? And so at the same time, don't let society make choices for you. Don't let anyone else write that story that we were talking about. There's this idea of the stream of unconsciousness as the stream of society that kind of pulls you down the stream. It's all, you can't do this or you have to do that. Okay, go over here, learn this, get this degree, go try to get that job, have this many kids and get married or don't get married or whatever it is. There's all this stuff that gets kind of drilled into your your your mind. And so take a step back from all that and decide what your choices are going to be. Separate from all of that. It's still okay to say, well, I've got obligations, I've got children, I've got a spouse, that's okay. You know, you can still factor that in, but don't let all these other things tell you who you are. And don't even let me tell you who you are, because I don't know. But you know who you are. And that's what you kind of have to get in touch with. And the more in touch you you are with that self inside, the more you're going to be able to make better choices. And part of that is intuition. You have this base, universal instinct about you and you've all felt it. You felt that there's this thing out there that says, okay, this is my gut feeling, this is my intuition that is going to help you make great choices. If you follow that, you're going to be doing really well. What you have to do is you have to differentiate between what your intuition is, that universal intuition inside and your kind of mind, your ego. And you've got to separate the two because your mind and ego are going to overperform and try to tell you things just to keep you alive. That's their job, right? Is to kind of keep you happy and healthy. But they overperform in doing that and they can trend a little bit negative. we actually have a video on how to figure out if it's your mind and ego telling you something that you might need to just ignore or if it's your base intuition. So check that out. Click in the upper right hand corner and that really is going to help you make better choices. It's going to help you navigate this crazy world that we're all living. And I'm not trying to tell you that making choices is easy. It's not, guys. It's it can be really hard, but, you know, just use all the tools available to you to make the best choices that you can for yourself. There are these things called limiting beliefs, and they're these beliefs that we have that kind of lock us into a certain frame of mind or a certain perspective. And it means that we're not going to see beyond these limiting beliefs often. they can be kind of easy to kind of sit behind. Like maybe our limiting belief is fear of certain things and that's going to keep us from progressing. It's going to keep us from moving. And again, if we're not moving with the change of the universe, if we're not moving with the rhythm of the universe, then we're not going to be making great choices. We're not going to be living our best life. And so explore what your limiting beliefs are. What are the things inside of you that are holding you back? And if you can get in touch with what those things are and start to sort through them, and there's tons of things that you can do. And that's not for this video, but there's there's journaling, there's meditation, there's talking to a therapist or a coach or another support professional. But what are your limiting beliefs? What's holding you back and how does that impact how you're making good choices or better choices for yourself? Think about spiritual choices. Do you choose resentment or forgiveness? So say you're coming to this fork in the road and you think I can resent this person or I can forgive them? That's a big choice. That's a that's a spiritual choice. It's also going to affect your mental health. That's going to affect your physical health at times. And just remember, just because you choose, okay, I'm not going to resent this person. I'm going to forgive them. Just because you forgive them doesn't mean you have to keep them in your life. I think that's a really important thing we have to think about when it comes to how we're forgiving someone. We can say, I forgive this person, but I don't have to be around them sometimes. And often you will. Sometimes not a huge deal. But just think about that and make those good choices about, okay, I'm going to choose forgiveness versus resentment because resentments just going to hold me back. Resentment is going to tie me to that person and it's not going to do anything to them, but it's definitely going to do something to me, to you. And so do you choose to hold on instead of letting go? That's basically what it comes down to, because letting go is this very cathartic, deeply meaningful thing that's going to give you more peace and calm on your journey. And spirituality isn't some destination, it's it is this journey that we're on. And even if you don't know it, you're in a journey right now, like we're on a journey. Sometimes some of us know it, some of us don't, but we're on a journey. if you embrace the journey, it's this beautiful thing because we don't always get to our destination guys. Often we often don't get there. And often when we do get to that destination, it doesn't look anything like what we thought it would look like. It could be very beautiful, it could be a great thing, but it's probably not exactly what we expected. when you enjoy the journey each day, then suddenly the destination, maybe it's important. Maybe there's a goal there that can can kind of guide you. But when you're enjoying each day of the journey, that's a totally different perspective than a lot of people live. Don't plan your life away. Don't wish your life away. Don't always be so focused on the ultimate destination that you forget that you're on this beautiful journey every single day. There's beauty in the everyday things. It's out there and that's choice. That's choice to say, I'm going to appreciate all of this, and there's a gratitude there. I have gratitude for the possessions that I have. I have gratitude for the health that I have. I have gratitude for these loving relationships that I have. So gratitude is a choice as well. And in fact, gratitude might be one of the most powerful choices that you have at your disposal. so what are you going to choose to do, make today, right now? And what choices are you going to make tomorrow to continue down the path that you want to continue down? And how are you going to choose love for yourself and the world around you. These are important choices for you. we have conversations just like this at our spiritual community at, and it's a place where people can have open minded conversations. And, you know, we have things like guided meditations, we have journaling groups, all this really great stuff. If you want to check it out, it's at And if you appreciate content like this, please like this. And until next time, I wish you peace on your journey.

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